
Be yourself.
Make an impact.

At idele, each day is an adventure in technology and collaboration. We're not just a company; we're a community driven by a passion to reshape the digital world.

Our mission

We want to empower...

every business, regardless of size or resources with the tools to deliver personalized experiences, relevant information and inspirational content to their audience at each stage of the customer journey, turning prospects into loyal customers.

Our culture

What life at
idele is like

We believe that a company is more than just its products or services. It’s about the people, the culture, and the shared values that drive everything we do. At Idele, our values are the foundation of our success and the heart of our unique work environment. 

Here's how they
shape our daily lives:

Teamwork fuels innovation

We’re a collaborative bunch, and we believe that the best ideas come from bouncing ideas off each other. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard, and diverse perspectives are valued.

Never Stop Learning

We’re a curious bunch, eager to share knowledge and discover new ideas. Whether it’s a casual brainstorming session or a formal workshop, we’re always looking for ways to expand our horizons

Balance nurtures well-being

We understand that a happy and healthy team is a productive team. We encourage work-life balance, offer flexible schedules, and promote a positive and supportive work environment where everyone can thrive.

Integrity guides every step

Honesty, transparency, and respect are at the core of every interaction we have – with each other, our clients, and our community. We strive to do what’s right, even when it’s not the easiest path.

Our hybrid approach

Work isn't somewhere you go, it's something you do,

We embrace flexibility and understand that everyone thrives on different schedules. Our hybrid model gives you the freedom to not only choose where you work, but also when you work best, while still fostering a vibrant company culture through in-person collaboration.

Here's how our
hybrid model works:

Collaborative days

We come together in the office on select days to connect, brainstorm and build camarderie. These days are designed to be flexible to help us realign ourselves to feel at our most inspired. During these days we also meant to ensure that we all stay on track and promote working cross-functionally.

Flexible workdays

The rest of the week, you’re free to focus on your individual tasks and projects in the comfort of your own space. We trust you to manage your time and workload effectively, wherever you choose to set up your virtual office. During these days we also want to keep synchronous meetings to a minimum.





Our success is built on the power of working together. We believe in the strength of collective efforts, where diverse ideas converge to create remarkable solutions.


We revel in what we do. We genuinely care about our shared mission, pushing ourselves to become masters of the part we play.


Innovation isn't just part of the job—it's the heart of everything we do. We cherish bold ideas and the relentless pursuit of creating something new.


We operate with transparency, honesty, and respect in every interaction. Trust is paramount, and we're committed to doing what's right for our community, our customers, and our team.


We value the well-being of our team and want to foster a sustainable work environment where personal well-being is valued as highly as professional achievement.

Ready to apply?

Check out our currently open positions or get to know our hiring process before you apply.

© 2024 idele All rights reserved.

Teamwork fuels innovation

We’re a collaborative bunch, and we believe that the best ideas come from bouncing ideas off each other. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard, and diverse perspectives are valued.

Never Stop Learning

We’re a curious bunch, eager to share knowledge and discover new ideas. Whether it’s a casual brainstorming session or a formal Lunch & Learn, we’re always looking for ways to expand our horizons

Balance nurtures well-being

We understand that a happy and healthy team is a productive team. We encourage work-life balance, offer flexible schedules, and promote a positive and supportive work environment where everyone can thrive.

Integrity guides every step

Honesty, transparency, and respect are at the core of every interaction we have – with each other, our clients, and our community. We strive to do what’s right, even when it’s not the easiest path.

Collaborative days

We come together in the office on designated days to brainstorm, connect, and build camaraderie. These days are packed with team meetings, workshops, and plenty of opportunities for spontaneous collaboration.

Flexible workdays

The rest of the week, you’re free to focus on your individual tasks and projects in the comfort of your own space. We trust you to manage your time and workload effectively, wherever you choose to set up your virtual office.

Tools & Support

We equip you with the technology and resources you need to excel, regardless of where you’re working. We also prioritize open communication and provide ongoing support to ensure you feel connected and engaged with your team.

Jacob Arwick

Co-Founder & CEO

Jacob Arwick is a Co-Founder and Chief Executive Director at idele. Before founding idele, Jacob led the marketing efforts for a B2B SaaS company targeting large retails chains across northern europe, overseeing the analysing, underwriting, execution and management of its marketing strategy. A marketing visionary who chose to forge his own path, Jacob began his career in marketing at 16, foregoing high school to pursue his passion for brand storytelling.

Per Alamiekkoja

Co-Founder & Chair of the Board

Per Alamiekkoja is a Co-Founder and Chair of the Board at Idele, bringing decades of entrepreneurial experience and a deep understanding of customer experience to the SaaS industry. A serial entrepreneur since 1985, Per Alamiekkoja has successfully founded and scaled multiple companies, including LTG Display AB and Shoppa AB. With a proven track record of building successful companies, Per leverages his extensive experience to create cutting-edge SaaS solutions. His unique blend of entrepreneurial drive, customer-centric focus, and deep understanding of product development makes him a key asset in shaping Idele’s future.

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